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Solar System?

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About Us

Sun Petal is local solar energy solar company. Sun Petal is one of the fastest growing photovoltaic system retailers in Australia. We use latest technology and branded panels and inverters at affordable price.

Call us for help

‎+61 426 007 085

Why SunPetal Solar?

Quality Gears:

Sun Petal prefers quality equipments, products, quality gears required for quality installation. We have our own installers. Sun Petal provides quality installation and quality services as well.

Competitive Price

Our prices are reasonable as per product and services. Quality comes at it's own cost.

Smooth Process

We provide smooth process experiance from start to end. Which makes easy solar purchase and installation.


Sun Petal provides quality pre and post sell services. We offer free site visit.

Custom Design

Our expert make unique design for every roof and it is also designed by our CEC accredited designer.

About image
About image

We give the Best services.

We are the one of the best solar provider in Australia!

We have extremely talented team.

SunPetal Solar Process


Telephonic Consultant

our sales person will get custom quote form and book time with customer.


Design and Quote

Our designer make unique design for customers roof and make unbetable price quotation.


Meeting with Customers

Our expert explain system design & production and take notes according to customers requirments.


Final Design

According to requirment, our experts make changes in design and create unique design.



Our sales send new design and get confirmation from customers book installtion date.



Our CEC accredided installation installer install solar on desired date with precious work.

Panel Brands We Prefer

Inverter Brand We offer

Our Services

Our Project

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